Client Appreciation Event – September – A Decadent Afternoon of Chocolate Tasting

More than just a dinner at a hotel!

Be creative, stand apart, and offer a memorable client experience for significantly less money than the cost of a dinner!

Imagine a fun and engaging event that they will be talking about for years! From cooking classes for men, planting a container garden, afternoon classic movie matinees to group golf lessons – there is something for everyone in your client base.

Partner with local businesses, share the event costs and preparation, meet their best clients and customers, and invite your best clients to an adventure they will enjoy and chat about for a long time to come.
These event ideas include a full description, sample joint venture agreement, press release, newspaper ad, email announcements and invitations! We’ve made it easy for you!

Come and join the fun!

For only $245.00 you can purchase full access to these 12 creative and engaging client appreciation event packages.

Buy Now for $245.00