
Getting Started – Your Marketing Adventure

Your Marketing Adventure

 This is where the magic begins!  The alchemy of turning information to transformation to significance!

You’ve worked hard, you’ve made a commitment to understand better the needs of Boomers and Seniors, and now it is time for your community to know about you!

It doesn’t matter what industry you are in – you need to find new clients and customers, serve them well, get referrals, rinse and repeat 🙂 !

We have tools and tips for you for every stage of the process – look no further than the Marketing Tool Kit!

Finding new clients:

Press Releases – Media Kit (CPCA and CAFB only)

Direct Mail Marketing Letters

Our World is Aging Public PowerPoint Presentation (CPCA and CAFB only)

Articles (for your blog, newsletters, column in local papers, etc.)

Client Bill of Rights – Tri-fold Brochure (CPCAs only)

My Promise To You (Rack Cards)

Serving them well:

Maturity Matters Newsletters

Scam Alert Series

Client Appreciation Events

Thank You Cards (CPCA only)

Getting Referrals:

Maturity Matters Newsletters

Client Appreciation Events

Client Announcement Letters – Media Kit (CPCA and CAFB only)

Thank You Cards (CPCA only)

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