What you can’t see can help you and can hurt you!
In this edition of Maturity Matters, Alex tells us about the top 5 essential micro nutrients that support our healthy aging, what they do for us, and how to include them in our diets.
We then turn to the ‘dark side’ — the micro germs we can’t see that live on everyday surfaces from ketchup bottles to remote controls. Keep those wipes handy!
Continuing with a theme of safety, we then learn about the fundamental planning documents that help to inform and protect us and our love ones.
Finally, who can resist the recipe for Roasted Figs with Honey, topped with just a dash of goat cheese? Can’t wait to give that one a try and to share this newsletter with friends, family, clients and customers, and new friends waiting to meet us.
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AFB Edition 1 Volume 16
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