
Aging and the Law: Module 2 – Advance Care Plan


Advance Care Planning & Health Care Consent - Beyond the Piece of Paper. How to plan for the future without losing out on the present.

Advance care planning is one of the most popular areas of interest for older adults who want to plan for future health care substitute decision-making - but it is also one of most misunderstood areas of elder law, both by older adults and professionals alike.  This seminar will ground participants with a solid understanding of the relationship between advance care planning and the law of consent.  It will also raise similarities and differences in approach and in legislation across the country.  Participants will learn about the 'process' of advance care planning and how to identify when health or housing policies are in conflict with the laws. 

Learning Objectives:

  1. having a clearer understanding about the law of consent
  2. learning how advance care planning can occur - it's not just a piece of paper!
  3. understanding legal and ethical obligations raised by advance care planning
  4. learning about how different jurisdictions each have their own system of health and personal care substitute decision-making
  5. learning about how policies and protocols may be in conflict with the law and what to do to support your client in these circumstances


Step 1: RESOURCE MATERIALS. Click Below to download and review support material:

Step 2. FEATURE COURSE PRESENTATION. Click on ‘Launch’ to load the module presentation:
Please login.


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Maturity Matters Newsletter: Keeping Our Voice — Advance Care Planning
Maturity Matters Newsletter: Keeping Our Voice — End of Life Planning

Step 4:   REVIEW THE QUIZ INSTRUCTIONS AND TIPS. The option to start the quiz will not be available until you complete the module presentation.


To load the quiz, you must 'Refresh' this page after completing the Feature Presentation lesson.  To Refresh the page, click on the F5 key or click on the reload symbol to the right of the address bar.   Remember -- the quiz will not be available to load until you have viewed the full presentation.

5 questions associated with this module will be downloaded.

You must receive a score of  at least 75% (4/5 questions answered correctly) to successfully complete this module.

If you do not achieve a score of 75% with your first try, don't worry, as you will be given the opportunity to retry the quiz, and another set of 5 questions will be made available to you.

Since the questions are selected randomly from a pool of questions, some of the questions may or may not be the same as the previous quiz.

You will notice that once you have completed a question, the correct answer will be highlighted in green, and any incorrect selection that was made will be highlighted in pink.


  • Although we wanted to create reasonably challenging questions, we did not intend to create 'trick' questions. If it feels like a trick question to you -- please re-read the question carefully and ask yourself what fact or concept is being questioned.
  • This is NOT a timed quiz. Take all the time you need to consider the question and make your best selection.
  • Be attentive to questions asking which statement is NOT correct, or if all statements are correct EXCEPT.
  • If you have read the question carefully, your first impression of the correct answer is usually the right choice to make.

Smile and Relax!  We have provided you with every opportunity to do well.

AATL02 – Advance Care Plan

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